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The Office of Directorate of ICT
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Director of ICT

Directorate of ICT

Academic Freedom is central to the mission of higher education. Therefore,UTAB respects and encourages free exchange and debate of ideas, including electronic interchanges and all manner of electronic inquiry and publishing in a manner that complies with UTAB policy and regulations. Within this context, UTAB provides access to Computing and Communications Resources to students, staff and surrounding community to support its Learning, Research and Service to the Community missions.

Duties & Responsibilities


  • Work on various IT developmental programs that would help UTAB reach newer heights and take care that all the programs and projects are designed from the point of view of achieving its goals and objectives.
  • Approve and monitor major projects, IT budgets, priorities, standards, procedures, and overall IT performance.
  • Set annual targets related to IT operations and monitor the overall performance of the entire department.
  • Review the adequacy and allocation of IT resources in terms of funding, personnel, equipment, and service levels
  • Monitor network security and supervise the entire network system of UTAB.

Staff members

Students of UTAB


    Apart from computer laboratories used during lectures and computers available in Libraries, an Electronic Library has been set up in Byumba town center. Its purpose is to facilitate students to perform their researches by:

    • Consulting online documentation
    • Downloading syllabuses
    • Getting updated timetables and other important communications from UTAB
    • Sending course works to lecturers

    The Library is opened from 08h00a.m to 17h00p.m (from Monday to Thursday) and from 08h00 a.m to 21h00 p.m (From Friday to Saturday) From 08h00a.m to 10h00 a.m (Sunday).

    Notice:Students who are in the final academic year (Level V) have regularly 2 free hours/week in order to facilitate them to perform their research projects.

    Surrounding Community

    UTAB helps the community as follows:

    Cyber café

    In collaboration with the Office of Ombudsman Rwanda, a cyber café has been opened to serve people to pass information in case of corruption or any other kind of injustice. UTAB has volunteers from the Anti-corruption Club who help individuals to create and send e-mails to the office of the Ombudsman.

    Contact Information