Frequently Asked QuestionsHere are some common questions about UTAB
What are the admission requirements for UTAB?
How do I apply?
What is the application deadline?
Is there an application fee?
Can I apply as an international student?
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Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.
Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.
Can I change my major after enrolling?
Can you provide an overview of the academic programs available?
Can you tell me more about the qualifications and experience of the faculty?
How does the university support students in finding internships or co-op positions?
How does the university ensure the quality of its academic programs?
What is the total cost of tuition fees?
Are there additional fees beyond tuition, such as lab fees or technology fees?
Is financial aid available, and how do I apply for it?
Are there payment plans or options for spreading out tuition payments?
Campus Life
How can I get involved in clubs and organizations?
Are there opportunities for leadership development?
How do I report a safety concern or incident?
How can I access career counseling services?
Facilities &
What technology resources are available to students?
Still need help? Send us a note!
For any other questions, please write us at info@utab.ac.rw or call us on +250789 350 053