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The Office of Directorate of Registry and Academic Affairs
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Academic Registrar

Directorate of Registry and Academic Affairs

The Registrar’s Office is the perpetual stewards of students’ records from application to degree conferral by maintaining the integrity of academic documents, data analysis and reporting. This office manages the procedures and process for the admission, registration and graduation. This office also ensures the implementation of the academic regulations and advises of the Vice Rector in charge of Academic Affairs. The Registrar’s office has composed of two units: Admission and Registration and Archives. Other officers working directly with the Office of the Academic Registrar include:

  • Deans of Faculties or Schools
  • Directors of Institutes, Colleges or other Academic bodies

The Academic Registrar assists the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs in the management and administration of all academic matters including organization of admissions, examinations, undergraduate studies and postgraduate studies

Duties & Responsibilities


    1. Ensure the implementation of the Institution’s academic regulations and advise the Vice Rector Academic and the chairs of all academic committees on the interpretation of the Institution’s Academic Regulations
    2. Elaborate academic calendar.
    3. Contribute fully to the Institution’s corporate planning and communications processes and lead the development of the Registry Plan
    4. Be responsible for the management of all staff in the including, the maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment.
    5. Ensure that a clerical service is provided for all academic committees.
    6. Operate as a senior manager of the Institution on the Executive Council, responsible for the effective running and development of the whole Institution, and for assisting the Senate in their governance functions.
    7. Undertake such duties as may be commensurate with the post as required from time to time by the Vice Rector Academic
    8. Prepare the academic certificates and the student’s cards.
    9. Establish information on progress of students.
    10. Ensure the responsibility for all the administrative businesses relating to recruitment, the evaluation and information of the progression of the students.
    11. Ensure the follow-up of the decisions of the academic senate.
    12. Transmit the statistics to the authority concerned.
    13. Ensure the bond with the other higher institutions.

    Academic Archivist


      1. Create, keep, and manage the student’s files (daily)
      2. Classify the “demands” of different academic documents.
      3. Prepare the academic documents to be given to the students.
      4. Prepare the students ID Cards to be given to whom it May Concern
      5. Prepare different academic document to be signed.
      6. Keep and respect the different academic documents.
      7. Keep in secret the reports of deliberations.
      8. Work closely with the Registrar in charge of admissions, registration, and records.
      9. Any other duties assigned by the Academic Registrar

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