In Level I and Level II, Mathematics and Geography are combined.
From level III to level V, a student chooses one specialization between Mathematics and Geography.

Module Name Module code Level Semester Credit
Study skills SS01 1 1 20
Introduction to ICT EMC01 1 1 10
Human Geography EBG104 1 1 10
General Chemistry EMB106 1 1 10
Linear Algebra EMG10610 1 1 10
Humanities SS02 1 2 10
Geomorphology EBG108 1 2 10
One Real Analysis EMG 108 1 2 10
Introduction to Psychology EEF06 1 2 10
General Physics EMG10 1 2 10
Introduction to Pedagogy EEF07 1 2 10
Introduction to Statistics & Probability EMG20115 2 1 10
Educational Psychology EEF09 2 1 10
Geography of Rwanda EBG203 2 1 10
Geography of Africa EBG205 2 1 10
Multivariable Analysis EMG205 2 1 10
General accounting and Entrepreneurship MDS10 2 2 10
Climatology EMG20315 2 2 10
General Teaching Methods EMG20510 2 2 10
Analytical Geometry EMG208 2 2 15
Guidance and Counselling EEF210 2 2 10
Industrial Attachment I EMG21015 2 2 15

Specialization of Mathematics

Module Name Module code Level Semester Credit
Curriculum Development and Assessment EM301 3 1 10
Complex Analysis EM302 3 1 15
Differential Geometry EM303 3 1 15
Bilinear Algebra EM304 3 1 10
Educational technology EE05 3 1 10
Differential Equations EM401 4 1 20
Research Methodology EM402 4 1 20
Special Methodology EM403 4 1 10
Special needs education EE09 4 1 10
Functional Analysis EM501 5 1 20
Contemporary issues of mathematics EM502 5 1 10
Inferential Statistics and multivariate analysis EM503 5 1 20
Comparative education EE08 5 1 10
School Management and Administration EM504 5 2 15
Computational Mathematics EM505 5 2 10
Industrial Attachment II EM506 5 2 15
Research Project SW12 5 2 20

Specialization of Geography

Module Name Module code Level Semester Credit
Curriculum development & assessment EG301 3 1 10
Regional Geography EG302 3 1 15
Mapping Techniques EG303 3 1 10
Fundamentals of hydrology and pedology EG304 3 1 15
Educational technology EE05 3 1 10
Methods and Techniques in Spatial Analysis EG401 4 1 20
Special needs education EE09 4 1 10
Special Methodology EG403 4 1 10
Research Methodology EG404 4 1 20
Geography of development EG501 5 1 15
Environmental resources Management EG502 5 1 15
Geostatistics and Demography EG503 5 1 20
Land Management EG402 5 2 10
School Management and Administration EG501 5 2 15
Comparative Education EE08 5 2 10
Industrial attachment II EG503 5 2 15
Research Project SW12 5 2 20