This important event was hosted online on 18 August 2021 and 625 students were awarded Bachelor’s degree in Education Faculty (Arts and Humanities, Education in Sciences), Faculty of Agriculture, Environmental Management and Renewable Energy, and Faculty of Social Sciences, Management and Development Studies.

In his welcome remarks, Dr. Ndahayo Fidele the Vice-Chancellor of UTAB explained how UTAB was called Institut Polytechnique de Byumba (IPB) and on December 20th, 2015, IPB was upgraded from the status of the institute to that of the university under the name of University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB).

With its three missions: to provide quality higher education and community-oriented research, to shape a skilled workforce in the domains of technology and arts, and to promote a culture of excellence and innovation for quality service delivery, the Vice-Chancellor emphasized that every graduand has been empowered by the training they benefited from UTAB and will inspire anybody around their working environment to ever look and seek for innovation, solutions, and charts best ways to attain everlasting integral development of themselves. He added that no doubt they will enable them to serve the nation and the entire human community in general

Among the speakers at the event was Mr. Hategekimana Jean Pierre who addressed the congregation on behalf of graduates. He expressed his gratitude to the University leadership lecturers and the wider University community for their tremendous contribution which will enable them to stand for the bright future of the nation. He also pledged a strong commitment to continue building a more prosperous country that fits all citizens.



Bishop Servilien Nzakamwita requested the graduands to put the knowledge drawn from UTAB to good use so as to contribute to the development of the nation, region, and the world at large. His word of appreciation was extended to the UTAB founders, Partners, Parents, and Academic staff for their assistance to students. He concluded his speech by reminding the graduates to keep in mind that they are the future of the country and the future of the world.




for more photos of 1oth graduation ceremony  click on the link below