on May 17, 2017 UTAB Staff members alongside Byumba school of Nursing and Midwifery staff members were honored to hear from two parliamentarians from Rwanda Senate; Hon. KARANGWA Chrisologue and Hon. ConsolΓ©e Uwimana. Their talk aimed at reminding the fundamental principles of the constitution of the Republic of Rwanda.
Participants were reminded that the fundamental principles of the constitution of the Republic of Rwanda are six altogether, notably: 1Β° Fighting the ideology of genocide and all its manifestations; 2Β° Eradication of ethnic, regional and other divisions and promotion of national unity; 3Β° Equitable sharing of power; 4Β° Building a state governed by the rule of law, a pluralistic democratic government, equality of all Rwandans and between women and men reflected by ensuring that women are granted at least thirty per cent of posts in decision making organs; 5Β° Building a State committed to promoting social welfare and establishing appropriate mechanisms for ensuring social justice; 6Β° The constant quest for solutions through dialogue and consensus.
After a warm questions-and-answers session, Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academics thanked the presenters and called it a day. A note should be made that the two parliamentarians are yet to address UTAB Students and Byumba School of Nursing and Midwifery on 18thΒ April 2017.